A Decade Later: 8 Success Factors to My Heroin Recovery Story

Are you searching for help with your own heroin recovery story? Do you have a loved one battling this terrible addiction? Whatever your purpose in finding this article, I hope it helps — sending love, light, and peace.

My Heroin Recovery Story

heroin recovery story
Image Credit: Elizabeth Ervin @Sober Healing.

My heroin story is your typical cautionary tale — prescribed Percocet for a car accident. A doctor gradually increased my dose for five years until I abused them. Which ultimately led me to try heroin due to severe opiate withdrawals.

Of course, it didn’t take long for that to spiral out of control. I went from smoking it off tinfoil to letting a stranger shoot it into my neck. Fortunately, I was only on the streets for a few months before deciding to get clean. After that, I left home for seven months and was able to allow my body to detox physically. As well as allow my mind to regain its clarity.

Of course, it became apparent that I needed to make changes before going back home. So, I’ve decided to share what helped me recover, especially that first year of sobriety.

1. Relocating to a Different Place

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Image Credit: Africa Studio/Shutterstock.

A relocation was critical for my sobriety for a few reasons. First, it guaranteed that I would not run into my old dealers and addicted friends.

Second, it eliminated the daily anxiety of reliving moments. For example, I didn’t drive by the parking lots I was shooting up. Or the grocery lots where I wasted hours waiting on late dealers. Or the scum motels where I slept. If I managed to scrounge up enough money for a night.

Third, I was away from the police department, which had become familiar with me and my vehicle. So there wasn’t fear of harassment around every corner.

The worst thing a person in recovery should do is revisit old hangout spots! It’s a set-up for relapse. Do whatever you can to move away from your stomping grounds.

What is more important? Your family, friends, or your job? Or sobriety? The fact is, statistics say you’re going to go home and relapse. So don’t put yourself in that environment.

Relapsing doesn’t benefit your established home life. Wait until you’re healthier so you don’t become a statistic. The first time I got clean, I made the mistake of picking up a friend from rehab. We were high as soon as we could score. So, I highly encourage you not to stay connected with rehab friends. It rarely turns out well.

2. Staying Home Majorly Factored in My Heroin Recovery Story

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

It wasn’t difficult for me to stay home. But it is relevant to my heroin recovery story. Because I worked from home, it was a natural occurrence. And it was vital to my sobriety.

The pandemic created a plethora of work-from-home employment. I’d advise that route for anyone new to recovery. It’s healing to spend time with yourself.

Staying home provided me the opportunity to reconnect with my daughter. To get in touch with knowing myself and discover who I am without the drugs and alcohol. That first year is so important. Don’t place yourself in situations or environments that may be detrimental to your recovery.

3. Getting a Different Phone Number

surprised Black woman phone
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

This factor is a no-brainer for a successful heroin recovery story! But seriously, new number, who dis? Get on it! The only reason to keep phone numbers from anyone in your drug-using days is so that you can relapse. There is no purpose in holding onto the past. Your future begins with a new number.

Fortunately, when I received my iPhone back after rehab, I couldn’t remember my security pin, so it wasn’t difficult for me to cut ties at all!

If you have to give your phone to a friend to scroll and delete the names that you deem deletable, do it! Please, don’t cheat yourself out of a fighting chance. Be honest about which numbers need to go.

4. Therapy

man in therapy
Image Credit: Deposit Photos – AndrewLozovyi.

There is no shame in the therapy game! Thankfully, many have overcome the stigma attached to mental health care. Hopefully, you have too. Therapy is a game-changer for recovery. More often than not, trauma is the gateway to drug use and addiction. So exploring that trauma is crucial for overcoming and healing from it.

Having a mental health professional to speak with helped me recover. I felt heard. They acknowledged my pain. If you haven’t shared that experience, it’s time to find a new therapist.

Second, they diagnosed me. It turns out I have ADHD. Knowing this helps me understand myself better. I no longer feel alone. There is a psychological component behind poor behaviors and defense mechanisms.

Third, therapy allowed me to work with a mental health specialist with medication. Because of my history, they know better than to prescribe me certain substances. Mental health specialists are more qualified to find the proper regimen than a traditional family doctor because it’s part of continued education. However, more often than not, it takes trying a few different pills before finding one that works for you.

5. Stay off Social Media

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

If you went to rehab, you didn’t have access to social media, and you survived, right? Stay away from it for as long as you can, but commit to at least three months. Give yourself 90 days. Scrolling through social media has been linked to poor self-image, self-esteem, and depression, even more so if you’re a woman.

Furthermore, you’re an addict! So it’s really easy to become addicted to scrolling. And no good can come of it. So before logging back into your social media accounts, ask a friend to be there with you. That will help with accountability as you delete and block old contacts.

6. Learning Something New

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

When I came home from rehab, I found blogging. Blogging is often unrecognized for the hard work and long hours it takes to become successful. I learned about WordPress, keyword research, and SEO. It was providing a distraction from thinking about getting high. It offered a new job skill set.

Not everybody wants to start a blog. What is your passion for learning? Because it’s crucial to find something you love. It distracts your mind from obsessing about getting high.

7. Writing About My Heroin Recovery Story

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Writing about my experiences on the street helped me unload the heaviness in my soul. My heroin addiction caused me to abandon my daughter with my parents. Furthermore, I did wicked things while high on heroin. My moral compass shattered, and I was carrying enormous guilt and self-hate.

Writing about these things helped me to work through and release the guilt. At the same time, I rebuilt my confidence and self-esteem.

Blogging doesn’t have to be your avenue of writing about your heroin story. I’ve experienced immense success with journaling. Simply allowing yourself to confront your demons is the therapy behind the writing.

8. Prayer Journaling

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

In addition to writing, I experience healing through prayer journaling. A prayer journal allows me to engage in an intimate relationship with God.

It’s incredible to look back and see how God has answered your prayers and what you’ve manifested. I’m old-school and hand-write in my journal. However, you can journal online or in a journaling app. You can also choose to write in a sober journal. Do what works for you.

Remember, each heroin recovery story is different. Sometimes, what works for some people won’t work for you, and vice versa. The important thing is to get clean and stay clean.

There is power in hope, and people in recovery should give that to those struggling whenever they can. If you have a recovery story you want to share with our readers, please reach out.

Read More: 28 Days: A Terrifying Inside Look at a State-Funded Rehab Center

woman arms crossed shocked reaction
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The decision to get clean and sober is a challenging feat. Unfortunately, drug rehabilitation services, including state-funded rehab, don’t always help the person with a substance use disorder. Sometimes, they hinder or make their situation much worse.

28 Days: A Terrifying Inside Look at a State-Funded Rehab Center

Staying Sober: 12 Best Things You Can Do Today

surprised woman shocked wide eyed reaction
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Addiction is a nasty demon that consumes and destroys far too many lives every day. So, staying sober is a significant achievement for people in recovery. It requires dedication, discernment, and a combination of strategies to maintain a healthy, substance-free lifestyle. Here are a dozen things that prove helpful in maintaining a sober lifestyle.

Staying Sober: 12 Best Things You Can Do Today

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Elizabeth Ervin is the owner of Sober Healing. She is a freelance writer passionate about opioid recovery and has celebrated breaking free since 09-27-2013. She advocates for mental health awareness and encourages others to embrace healing, recovery, and Jesus.