10 Most Pleasurable Feelings Ever To Enjoy According to Men

A man recently asked an online community of other men, “What is the most pleasurable feeling?” Initially, I feared what I might unearth, but there were some pretty honest answers, including funny ones. For example, “farting away a stomach ache.” Don’t worry. I’ll spare you the details, but it made me giggle.

1. Problem Solved

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night with the solution to a problem you’ve been bothered by for ages? You’re not alone; one man suggests it’s the most incredible feeling. Another member volunteered that he figured out his experiment problem this way, and it helped him complete his thesis.

2. Having Your Head Scratched

Men in this forum love to have their heads scratched by people they love and care about while working on something or laying it in her lap. One suggests it’s divine and gives it “bonus points” if he’s upset about something. My husband loves it too. I swear he pretends to be asleep longer than he is to keep me scratching.

3. Being Romantically Loved

A common theme in the thread is being loved sincerely, honestly, and romantically. One elaborates on longing to feel worthwhile with someone seeing your flaws and loving you completely. A father notes that your child’s love for you is pretty awesome too.

4. Getting Into a Comfy Bed

Getting into a comfortable bed after a long day is one of the most pleasurable feelings in life. A 1500 thread count lover suggests fresh, clean linens add to the experience. “Any version of going to bed with the peace of mind of no obligations the next day.”

5. A Few More Hours

How often have you awakened, dreading that it was already time to get up for work, but after viewing a clock, realize you have a few more hours to sleep? It’s one of the greatest feelings on earth.

6. A Belly Laugh With Friends

“A good old-fashioned, clean, innocent, belly laugh with select others.” This man explains having a moment like this recently. He and his cousin were playing a game and ended up on the floor, “struggling to breathe with laughter.” Finally, he notes it is one of the most pleasurable feelings ever.

7. Spooning and Cuddling With Your Significant Other

Awe. One man shares that he and his wife make it a point to do this a little every night (at minimum) and genuinely enjoy it. He expresses cuddling deflates a lot of feelings that weren’t important—”stress from the day, a stupid tiff we had, and concerns about the next day.”

8. Making It

“Making it to the toilet when you were stuck in heavy traffic and were coming to terms with your pending fate.” Haha. I’m laughing, but it’s so relatable. That scene in Two Weeks Notice when Sandra Bullock runs through New York traffic and uses a stranger’s RV bathroom immediately comes to mind. 

9. Sleeping With Your Baby on Your Chest

A father clarifies that sleeping with his baby on his chest is the most incredible feeling in the world. A second dad agrees, adding, “Except a few times when my wife would take the baby and put it into the crib. And I wake up in a panic expecting the baby to be on the floor.”

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10. That Initial Spark

Finally, many men discuss the initial sparks in the honeymoon stage of a relationship being “one of the most exciting and beautiful feelings in life.” While that’s true, another argues that being awakened by your wife in the middle of the night because she “loves you and it couldn’t wait until morning” is pretty spectacular too.

This thread inspired this post.

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This article was originally published and syndicated on Sober Healing.

Featured Image Credit: Rido From Canva.com.


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Elizabeth Ervin is the owner of Sober Healing. She is a freelance writer passionate about opioid recovery and has celebrated breaking free since 09-27-2013. She advocates for mental health awareness and encourages others to embrace healing, recovery, and Jesus.