12 Things People Thought Were ”Rich People’ Things Growing Up Did You?

Unless you were a wealthy kid, you likely grew up associating certain things with being rich. For example, thanks to the Grey Poupon Mustard commercials, I legitimately took that as a sign of wealth. After someone asked an online community what they thought equated to affluence, here are their honest responses.

1. Blowing Air Conditioning

air conditioning
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

I’m from Washington state, so up until the last decade, the weather never reached needing air conditioning temperatures. However, I imagine I’d have seen it as a luxury like many other internet users on this thread.

2. Having Cable TV

retro TV
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Cable television was a luxury that many poorer families didn’t afford. I vaguely recall moving TV antennas to get the few channels we had to come in. Fortunately, my dad upgraded at a fairly young age for me.

But man, if you had movie channels? That was certainly an indicator. Do you remember when Showtime, Disney, and HBO would do free weekends to reel people in? My dad was never persuaded.

3. Participating in School Sports

easy money
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Countless forum members confess that they thought participation in school sports meant someone was wealthy. Considering the cost of uniforms and the time commitment associated with games, I’d still consider it a sign. Many parents are stuck working overtime and second jobs without means of getting their children to all the mandatory time slots school sports take up.

4. Having a Second Refrigerator

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Moreover, having a second refrigerator full of all different types of drinks besides water and Kool-Aid. These are typically in the garage and usually at your friend’s with the bigger homes. Also, refrigerators with a built-in ice dispenser and water filter were and still are viewed this way by many.

5. Trips to Disneyland

Disneyland California
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

So many kids get to go to Disneyland and Disneyworld every year. I was not one of them. However, I finally made it there as a teenager. I remember being so jealous of all the kids who got to go. As we already established, I didn’t even have the Disney Channel. So a trip to anywhere besides camping in the backyard was out of the question.

6. Going to Hawaii

rainbow waterfalls Kauai Hawaii
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

On another note, there were also a handful of kids who were fortunate enough to go to Hawaii. Many people agree that they interpreted that as a sign of wealth before one clarifies; basically taking any vacation indicated wealth.

7. Having a Swimming Pool

holding nose underwater pool
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Did you have a swimming pool growing up? Me too! It was the same plastic one from K-Mart every year, and I lived in it in the summers. But that’s not the swimming pool we talk about when associating with rich people. In-ground pools? Don’t those still indicate wealth?

8. Having a Big Trampoline

big trampoline
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Jump Around, jump around. Jump up, jump up, and get down! Having one of those giant trampolines epitomized being rich to many forum members. You know, the ones at Costco that cost several hundred dollars.

9. Living in a House

Real Estate Agent
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Apartment and townhome dwellers explain that they believed you were one of the rich kids if you had a house. If you had your own bedroom or a second story? Double down!

10. Having Two Cars

happy money
Image Credit: Shutterstock

Having multiple vehicles was seen as something only rich people had for many people in this thread. Was that you? Or were you rolling around in Vista Cruisers too?

11. Multiple and/or Big Screen TVs

wealthy man money
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Multiple people decree that having more than one television set was something only rich people do. However, some argue they had a couple, but the size of the screen, on the other hand? That really said something. One reminds there was a time when having a color TV meant you were rich.

12. Having a Pantry

older man money wealthy
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

This one I don’t think I ever associated with wealth, but I had one growing up. Nonetheless, several forum members expressed that a pantry epitomized wealth to them.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock

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Image Credit: Deposit Photos – Krakenimages.com.

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Elizabeth Ervin is the owner of Sober Healing. She is a freelance writer passionate about opioid recovery and has celebrated breaking free since 09-27-2013. She advocates for mental health awareness and encourages others to embrace healing, recovery, and Jesus.