20 Stupid Myths That Most of Us Have Heard and Many Still Believe Today

Did you grow up hearing things that you later discovered as adults were myths? We all have. There is the infamous swallowing gum that takes seven years to digest myth is one we have all heard. An online forum recently discussing these stupid myths selected these common ones as myths they still hear people spreading today. Do you?

1. Myth: Periods Sync Up With Your Girlfriends

angry woman period
Image Credit: Shutterstock

Have you heard the myth that girlfriend’s periods sync? One adamant user explains, “Women seemingly ‘in sync’ aren’t. Their periods are just happening at once because they all have similar lifestyles.

Sisters, for example. When I mention it’s a myth, people get furious. This thing really ruffles some feathers when you reveal it isn’t true.” OK, I Googled because my personal experience has suggested otherwise, but it is, in fact, a myth. Who knew?

2. Myth: MRI Exploding RFID Chips

man with dog
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Have you heard the myth that an MRI scan will rip out or explode an RFID microchip implant? This kind of microchip is typically installed in people’s pets. I’ve not heard that one before.

3. Myth: Pirates Buried Their Treasure

Johnny Depp Pirate
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Did you know that pirates rarely buried their treasure? In fact, William Kidd is the only pirate known to have actually buried his. Typically, pirates squandered their fortunes on rum, gambling, and women.

4. Myth: Rights to a Phone Call

shocked woman with phone
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Many people still believe this myth, as I didn’t know until Googling to confirm it myself. Have you heard that when you’re taken into police custody, you are legally entitled to one phone call? You’re not. You don’t have that right if you are detained and not arrested. But you are free to leave at any time, and you can refuse to answer any questions from the police.

5. Myth: Flu Shots Give You the Flu

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Have you heard people say they refuse to get flu shots because it gives them the flu? Science says otherwise. The viruses in a flu shot are killed (inactivated), so it’s impossible to get the flu from a flu shot. Hmmm… according to numerous forum members and my personal experience, this one is a difficult truth to swallow. I’ve absolutely gotten sick after getting a flu shot. Hard to believe it isn’t connected. But alas, it is a myth.

6. Myth: Undercover Cops Have To Tell You

cop whispering
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Have you heard the myth that an undercover cop has to tell you they’re a cop if you ask them? One painted the picture, “Imagine an undercover cop investigating a crew of violent criminals, and one of them asks, hey, are you a cop? He’s forced to reply with the truth, knowing they will surely murder him.” Get real here, people.

7. Myth: Only Using 10% of Our Brains

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Are you familiar with the falsehood that humans only use 10% of their brains? Someone rebutted, “The best analogy I’ve heard is that we use 100%, in the same way that a traffic light uses 100% of its bulbs, not all at the same time. Also, certain situations do cause a total of 100% brain activity. They’re called Grand Mal seizures.”

8. Myth: Baby Bird Abandonment

woman with baby birds
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

I’d not heard this one either. However, a user noted it’s a myth “That if you touch a baby bird, its mother will abandon it because of the smell. Birds actually have a very crummy sense of smell.”

9. Myth: Filing Missing Person Reports

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How many crime shows and movies have convinced society of this falsehood? “That you need to wait 24 hours to file a missing person’s report,” shared one. It’s the exact opposite. The first twenty-four hours are the most important.

10. Myth: Backwards ATM Pin Codes

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Someone shared a myth that if you “Enter your PIN backward on an ATM, it will automatically summon police for you. That did the rounds on British social media for a while, and many people still believe it.” Another confessed, “I heard that many years before anyone ever heard of social media. What if your PIN is, if you will, a palindrome?”

11. Myth: Tangled Baby

Angry annoyed pregnant woman
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

One volunteered, “There are a ton of ridiculous myths around pregnancy. The worst one, I was told never to raise my arms over my head, so the baby didn’t get tangled in the umbilical cord.” Another said, “I was told if you carry your belly higher/lower, it’s supposed to determine the gender of the baby.”

12. Myth: Meaningless Hobbies

older man playing guitar
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

“Having hobbies as an adult is only worth it if it brings in money. No, I love my meaningless and expensive hobbies, even if they don’t bring in any income,” one confessed. A second added, “I play guitar. Cost me $1600 with maybe a $50 upkeep per year, but the hours a day I spend on it instead of on TV, Netflix subscriptions, drinking, and drugs, I save money.”

13. Myth: Wolves Alpha Theory

Image Credit: Deposit Photos – Djomas.

“The alpha theory for wolves,” one suggested. “People still believe it even though the person who made the theory took it back. The ‘alpha’ of wolves is actually just the pack’s parents, and the pack is usually made up of their offspring.”

14. Myth: Carrots Give Good Eyesight

Image Credit: Deposit Photos – poznyakov.

“The myth that carrots give you good eyesight,” one noted. “Dear Lord. For all those geniuses pointing out that nutrients from carrots benefit eyes, sure they do.

Still, there’s no direct correlation between improved eyesight and carrots. There’s no proof that excessive consumption of carrots provides any extra improvement in eyesight, that too more than any other food. This myth was also admitted as a false rumor spread to keep the radar tech a secret during WWII.”

15. Myth: MSG is Bad for You

woman refusing salt
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

One person shared, “The myth that MSG is bad for you,” before another said, “Yes, it’s so incredibly annoying. MSG tastes great and adds a little razzle-dazzle to certain food. The unhealthy food people eat is bad for them, not the MSG.”

Welp, I get terrible headaches from it, and I worked in a Chinese restaurant for 13 years and suffered this fate plenty of times. My doctor even confirmed it. So it may not be bad for everyone, but some people absolutely suffer from MSG headaches. So I’d call this myth a half-truth.

16. Myth: Greek and Roman Sculpture and Architecture Are White Marble

woman glasses who shocked wow
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

“Ancient Greek and Roman sculpture and architecture being pure white marble,” one explained. “They are now. That’s because art dealers long long ago washed the paint off.” A second added, “Same for churches and cathedrals all over Europe. They were painted bright colors. It washed off over time, and the stone reappeared, but they were painted.”

17. Myth: Waiting to Swim an Hour After Eating

woman sitting in pool
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

“That you can’t swim after eating and must wait at least an hour,” answered another. “It is an old myth, now debunked. On explains, in Australia as a child in the early 1980s, we were often warned that ‘eating before swimming causes cramps, and cramps lead to drowning.”

18. Myth: Getting a Cold From Going Outside With Wet Hair

woman in rain
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

“You’ll catch a cold if you go outside with wet hair. The idea of being out in the cold, causing you to catch a cold, is maddening. The science is pretty clear that we get colds in the winter because we spend more time indoors, and the dry indoor air makes it easier for viruses to travel from person to person. Yet many people still cling to these medieval-style beliefs about illness.”

19. Myth: The Whole Female Anatomy Debacle

woman face palm disbelief
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

One of the biggest myths still spreading around high school hallways, college dorm rooms, and other places young men congregate is that if a woman is active, her anatomy will become larger permanently. Women have babies and recover. So, do the math. This myth is absurd but widely circulated.

20. Myth: Blood Is Blue

shrugging I don't care
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

“Your blood is blue and only turns red when it hits oxygen coming out of you,” one asked. “Why do I hate that I was taught this myth in school?” Several others confessed to being taught this one too. I most definitely was taught this one as well.

15 Physical Sensations Women Rated Are the Best Feelings in the World

sexy woman eating apple
Image Credit: Deposit Photos – pekour.

Recently, someone asked a women’s forum, Excluding anything intimate or involving another person, what is your favorite physical sensation? Here are the best answers.

20 Ridiculously Idiotic Myths That Are Still Circulating Today

sit up crunches
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Are you here for the laughs? Well, we got them. Recently, someone asked about myths that are still spreading in society despite being dispelled. Nearly 30,000 people flocked to the comments to deliver this list. Do you know better?

15 Most Successful Lies in the History of Man

beautiful woman with money
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

What is the most successful lie in history? Recently, a man took to an internet forum with this question, and the subsequent discussion provided these answers.

20 Common Sentences That Will Instantly Make People Dislike You

Couple shrugging annoyed
Image Credit: Shutterstock

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11 Big Things People Start Seriously Disliking as They Grow Older

older couple upset angry
Image Credit: Deposit Photos – Krakenimages.com.

What are you starting to dislike more as you get older? I’ll go first-the music. Music is one of my biggest passions in life. I love singing and used to dance all over the place. However, somehow, I’ve become the person who “can’t understand what they’re saying,” and I’m OK with it.

Source: Reddit.

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Elizabeth Ervin is the owner of Sober Healing. She is a freelance writer passionate about opioid recovery and has celebrated breaking free since 09-27-2013. She advocates for mental health awareness and encourages others to embrace healing, recovery, and Jesus.