12 Stupidest Things People Do and Say That Will Make Your Eyes Roll Immediately

We live in a world filled with eye-rolling words, phrases, and actions. From misusing the word “literally” to adding “that’s cringe” to every other statement, here are 12 things causing eyes to roll everywhere.

1. “Typical Politics” Statements

man indifferent eye roll
Image Credit: Deposit Photos.

Let’s start with the most annoying, eye-rolling, politically presumptuous offense — people who respond on things that aren’t related to politics in the least with generalizations like: “Typical Republican/Democrat” and “The Right and Leftists.”

The comment section on nearly anything posted online is filled with these people. They connect their hateful rage-induced politics to any and everything. It’s like, “Oh, you had tuna for lunch? Commie!” Major eye-roll.

2. Announcing “I’m a Christian” During Introductions

woman biting lip oops reaction
Image Credit: Shutterstock

People who announce they are Christian as if promoting a badge of virtue when introducing themselves warrant eye-rolls. It’s the equivalent of announcing your sexual orientation or political affiliation in the same breath as your name. Moreover, when people introduce you to others and add: “She’s not a Christian — yet…” Weird.

3. “No Offense — But”

are you kidding me shocked reaction
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

People who start a sentence with “No offense, but…” are guaranteed to follow it with something incredibly offensive. It translates to: “Not to be rude, but I am going to say something rude to you right now.”

4. “I’m Not a Racist — But”

Black man winking reaction
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Similarly, people who start a sentence with “I’m not racist, but” or “Not to sound racist, but” are essentially announcing they are, in fact, racist. If you don’t want to “sound” racist, stop saying racist things.

I think these people genuinely do not understand the statement’s irony or that they are the racist they proclaim not to be. It’s like when someone tells you they are a good person. Usually, their actions demonstrate otherwise.

5. Using the Word “Triggered” When People Disagree With You

man on computer happy thumbs up
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

We’ve all seen this one. You’re scrolling along, minding your own business, and come across Uncle Joe’s post spouting political nonsense.

Generally, it’s followed by people expressing their disagreement with the rhetoric, and the only thing Uncle Joe can do is respond to everyone with “Triggered.” The irony is that the fact that people disagree with him (and publicly) is angering him or “triggering” his rage.

6. “Do You Research”

annoyed eye roll
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The statement: “Do your research” is appropriate regarding writing a paper for college, but when someone online spouts that nonsense, it’s typically suggesting they want you to find a source that agrees with their belief when reputable sources say the opposite. If Wikipedia and deep fake YouTube videos are your idea of “research,” it’s you who, in fact, needs to “educate themselves.”

7. Facebook Posts Requesting Googlable Information Followed by “And Go!”

annoyed Black man why are you serious
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

It is an eye-roll city when you’re scrolling along and come across posts where the person is asking you for information that they could easily Google themselves. It’s worse when they add: “And go!” For example, “Restaurants in [my city] that serve tacos, and go!” Sometimes, people will Google answers and post the screenshots in the comments for them. But they never take the hint — do they?

8. People Who Use “The Customer Is Always Right”

rude customer to wait staff
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

As someone who worked in food service and other customer service positions, I can assure you that the customer is a self-entitled jerk when uttering that phrase. It’s a misuse of the original statement: “The customer is always right in matters of taste.”

As in, let them buy the car in that ugly bright yellow. We’re still making money.” NOT: “Let them verbally assault strangers doing their best to accommodate my ridiculously entitled self.”

9. The Hating the Word “Moist” Trend

woman eating cake guilty
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

We all know someone who “Cannot stand the word ‘moist.'” Why? Because they’ve been socialized into believing it’s a disgusting word and joined the trend to dislike it. Sometimes, it’s the word we must use to describe something like a delicious cake. Get over it. Maybe stop and really dissect why you are so bothered by the word. I bet it’s because someone else was bothered by it first.

10. The People Who Use “Sheeple”

angry man on keyboard warrior
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

The irony of the people using the word “Sheeple” is that they are the ones being herded into hate. Translation? They are the sheep. Moreover, do you think you’re clever? It’s not your original thought. You heard it (or read it) and began using it as if it were your own insult. That sounds a little sheepish to me.

11. Revving Engines

can't hear you excuse me hand to ear
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Aw, yes. The boys who like to show off how “cool” they are by revving their stupid engines breed massive eye-roll energy. It leads many to want to roll down their windows and ask: “Dang… is it really THAT small?”

12. “Nobody Wants to Work Anymore”

pouting angry tantrum arms crossed
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

“Nobody wants to work anymore” is something people throw around to excuse paying non-livable wages. No one is suggesting they aren’t willing to work. We just are done working three jobs to barely make it with no savings.

We’re tired of padding other people’s pockets, waiting for nothing to ever really trickle down. We’re tired of being verbally assaulted by entitled customers and poor management.

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serial killer evil looking man
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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woman disgusted with tongue out yuck
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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excited cop police officer
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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happy woman in bed sitting up
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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stubborn refusing to listen hand over ears
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Elizabeth Ervin is the owner of Sober Healing. She is a freelance writer passionate about opioid recovery and has celebrated breaking free since 09-27-2013. She advocates for mental health awareness and encourages others to embrace healing, recovery, and Jesus.